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IWNW is an annual peer-reviewed and open-access journal that is issued by the faculty of Archaeology at Ain-Shams University in Egypt. Owned and funded by the Faculty of Archeology- Ain Shams University, and Ain Shams (University, Egypt.  At present, there are no publishing fees. The journal publishes original papers in Archaeology, Excavations, Papyri, Inscriptions, Ostraca, Manuscripts, Antiquities, Ancient Coins, Ancient Languages (Ancient Greek, Latin, Ancient Egyptian, and Semitic Languages), Ancient Greek and Latin literature, Ancient Egyptian literature, Semitic Literature, Greek and Roman History, Ancient Egyptian History, Near Eastern History, Greek and Roman Antiquities, Egyptian Antiquities, Near Eastern Civilizations, Arabic and Islamic Antiquities, Arabic Papyri and Arabic Inscriptions, Restoration, Heritage, Site Management, Museology, Conservation, philosophy and religion in ancient civilizations. The language of the contributions is English, French, German, and Italian.

The journal will be electronically available on the official website of the University of the Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University, and the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, and in case it stops issuing, its issues will be available on the website of the Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University, Egypt.

The advisory board of Iwnw journal includes prominent professors from different countries such as Egypt, Germany, France, the USA, Portugal, Malta, India, and the Netherlands.

Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, 2025, Pages 1-1000