Unpublished Mummy Cover of Ra-Hotep from Thebes in the Basement of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (TR. 8. 12. 25. 1)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Ain Shams University, Egypt


This paper deals with publishing, describing, and discussing the mummy cover that belongs to a non-royal man named Ra-Hotep. The cover was discovered in Thebes and is currently preserved in the basement of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo under inventory numbers (TR. 8. 12. 25. 1- SR. 4. 11294); no other numbers (CG. or JE.) were assigned to it.
This mummy cover and its inventory number in the Egyptian Museum are not referenced in any studies that include coffins, and mummy covers from the Third Intermediate Period, which highlights and adds the significance of this study.
The artistic features and the decoration system indicate that it is dated to the second half of the 21st dynasty. This mummy cover features an irregular composition type for its period; The upper section features an unusually wsx collar in light blue color, while the lower section is adorned with yellow text bands that mimic the longitudinal and transverse straps used in mummy wrappings. Additionally, the entire surface of the lower section is covered with a red net of reticulate that mimics the Osiris's net beads, which serve as the background for the yellow bands.


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Schreiber, Gábor. “The Mummy-board of Tashedamun from TT 61”, Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, vol. 46, (2006): 185- 195.
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Sousa, Rogério and Anne.  The Tomb of the Priests of Amun Burial Assemblages at the National Museum of Denmark. Gate of the Priests Series Vol. 2. Brill, 2022.
Sousa, Rogério. “Yellow coffins: definition and typology” in: “Yellow” Coffins from Thebes: Recording and decoding complexity in Egyptian funerary arts (21st – 22nd Dynasties), British Archaeological Reports; 3010, edited by Rogério Sousa, 217-224. Oxford: BAR publishing, 2020.
Sousa, Rogério. Gleaming coffins: Iconography and symbolism in Theban coffin decoration (21st dynasty). vol. I: The sheltering sky. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press, 2018.
Strudwick, Nigel, and John. the Theban necropolis: past, present, and future. British Museum Press, London, 2003.
Taylor, John. “The Burial Assemblage of Henutmehyt: Inventory, Date and Provenance” in Studies in Egyptian Antiquities. A tribute to T.G.H. James, edited by William Vivian Davies, 59-72. London: British Museum Press. 1999.
  Taylor, John. Death and the afterlife in ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press, 2001.
Taylor, John. Egyptian coffins. Bucks: Shire Publications, 1989.
Van Dijk, Jacobus. “Entering the house of hearts: an addition to Chapter 151 in the Book of the Dead of Qenna”, OMRO 75, (1995): 7-12.