1- SUBMISSION: The paper is submitted by uploading it through the Journal website of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
2- DECISION: the paper sent for Double-Blind peer-reviewers specialized in the research's topic; at least one must be from outside the Journal’s committee (Faculty, Editorial board, and advisory board).
The Reviewers evaluate the article for originality, methodology, bibliography; both print and digital, language and the extent to which subjects of the paper are harmonic with another and the results of the paper.
- The Author receives the decisions/reports of the reviewers: Elements of Evaluation, the paper, and the attached report (if applicable).
- If the reviewers respond by accepting then; the paper is accepted for publication and two letters of acceptance are extracted in Arabic and English.
- In case one of reviewers respond by refusing the paper, a third reviewer will be the final judge.
- If two reviewers respond by refusing a paper, then the paper is finally rejected without a refund of the reviewing fees.
3- REVISIONS: The author will receive an email from the editor containing the final decision.
- If the author is asked to make revisions, he/she has two weeks to resubmit for minor revisions, and three weeks to resubmit for major revisions.
- Once he has resubmitted his paper, it will be reassigned to the same reviewers if they to check whether their comments have been addressed.
- If sufficient improvements have been made, the paper will be accepted. If not, he/she may be asked to perform multiple revisions or have his paper refused.
- The scholar has to follow-up the Journal formatting, and linguistic revision, with the editorial board via the Journal’s website of the publishing unit.