The Initial Vignette in the Book of the Dead Papyri in the Late and Ptolemaic Periods

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Archaeology and Civilization Faculty of Arts - Helwan University - Cairo- Egypt


Some Book of the Dead manuscripts began with an initial vignette during the Late and Ptolemaic Periods. As a result of losing the beginning of many manuscripts, we cannot assert whether this initiative scene was originally included. Still, it is uncertain that it was omitted in some complete manuscripts. This paper tackles the formulas of the initial vignette and its types during the Late and Ptolemaic Periods. Additionally, it delves into the distinctive artistic elements that appeared in some papyri and authenticates the sources they were influenced by.
تبَدّأ بَعْض بِرَدِّيَات كِتاب الْمَوْتَى في العَصْرُ الْمُتَأَخِّر والبَطلمي بمَنظَر افْتِتاحيّ، وَنَتِيجَة لِفُقْدَانِ بِدَايَة بَعْض البِرَدِّيَات؛ لا يَمُكُّنّ الجَزْم إِذَا ما كَانِت تَتَضَمَّن مَشْهَدَ اِفْتِتَاحِيّ مِنْ عَدِمه، إلا أن بَعْض البِرَدِّيَات الْمُكْتَمِلَة لَم تبَدّأ بِهَذَا المَنظَر. تَسْتَعْرِض هَذِهِ المَقالَة صِيَغُ المَنظَر الْاِفْتِتَاحِيّ وطُرُزَه الْمُخْتَلِفَة خِلاَلِ العَصْرُ الْمُتَأَخِّر والبَطلمي، مَعَ التَّركيز عَلَى الْعَنَاصِر الفنِّيَّة الْفَرِيدَة الَّتي ظَهَرَتْ في بَعْض البِرَدِّيَات وتَأْصِيلُ الْمُصَادِر الَّتي تَأَثَّرْت بِهَا.


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